Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1

Motivation is hard.

I freely admit, I registered this blog address nearly 8 months ago, intending to do all the New Year's Resolution things and get into shape and be that guy.

But no... eight months later, and I rarely manage to make myself work out more than once a week, I'm still hovering right on the edge of a very round number on the scale. But there is a wedding coming up about 8 weeks from now (not my own), and I'd rather not look quite so plump around the waist.

So today, I launch upon a 12-week (or more if I can handle it), low-carb diet and circuit training plan, that I'm told has helped people lose 20+ pounds in just a few months. This will be a challenge, because:

A: I LOVE carbs.
B: I had no idea how many things you can't eat on a low-carb diet. Seriously, I thought I was a success last year when I cut soda out of my diet and switched to all-natural fruit juices. But now, no juice (too much sugar), very few regular fruits (I'll miss my morning banana - and get your minds out of the gutter), and no rice (I sometimes think I was born half-chinese since I crave dim sum so often).

So far today I had some scrambled egg whites and canadian bacon, and I'm about to polish off my first string cheese of the day as a snack. Obviously, the hard part hasn't kicked in yet, but all my friends swear Day 4 will have me feeling like crap.

Circuit training starts tomorrow morning... updates to follow.

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