Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2, Day 1

Officially through the first week!

Current stats - 5.6 lbs lost, so over the weekend when I was allowed to eat slightly more than I had been (a few carbs, a few glasses of wine), I managed to stay exactly where I was Saturday morning. I feel like that's a victory.

Today we're back on the horse. Egg whites, pork chop, no veggies, no starches, nothing tasty at all. If week 1 hadn't gone so well it would be a lot easier just to bag the whole thing, but I suppose its worth a few more days to see if this is sustainable at all.

In other news, I've noticed myself remembering my dreams a lot more than I ever do the past few days. And to be honest, my dreams have been pretty bizarre. Last night involved me being chased through a tropical beach setting by an alligator with only 2 legs. No idea what that's about. But is the remembering part related to diet? Hard to believe there's a correlation.

Hurt my knee at soccer yesterday, so we'll see if I can handle the circuit training tomorrow on it. If not, maybe I'll just do some treadmill and upper body weight stuff. Feeling cautiously optimistic...

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